Getting the most out of your Smart TV

Most new TV's available are now classed as "smart". This is a pretty simple concept - it just means that it can connect to the internet and other devices in your home via a home network. To be honest, they're so common now it would be difficult to buy one that wasn't smart!
What makes it great?
Well your internet connection which means that you can use some of the great apps available such as Netflix, Disney+ and Amazon. This means that you can watch whatever you want, whenever you want it. If it's a new TV then you won't need to use things like a box or a stick but if you've got an older model then these are are still fine to use.
You have the ability to install apps, stream content and connect to other smart devices around your home such as audio, alexa etc.
What channels will I get?
This varies throughout the world but in the UK you'll get 12 HD channels and 60 standard channels through Freeview and more through packages like Sky Q.
Do I need WiFi for my Smart TV?
You'll need an internet connection either through WiFi or ethernet. If you're WiFi isn't strong enough then we can hardwire a connection to it - just get in touch.
There are 5 main smart operating systems - Android, Roku TV, SmartCast, webOS and Tizen which are used by the main manufacturers but there are others available. If you have a cheaper model, they won't use these platforms and are not as good so it's recommended to check this before you buy.
What are the best apps?

Netflix - this goes without saying. Netflix has been on the go now for almost 10 years and along with it's great selection of series and films, it also invests massively in it's own content which means you will struggle to get through it's huge menu. It's one of the easiest to navigate and is not expensive which means you can get a huge variation using just Freeview, some free apps and Netflix, keeping your monthly subscriptions to a minimum.
Amazon Prime Video - Again a huge content with both free and pay to view series and videos, it gives a huge choice in content and has also made large investments in it's own productions such as The man in the High Castle and Vikings. Simple to set up too!
BBC iPlayer - This has a huge library of shows available from older series such as Peepshow to newer Antiques Roadshow episodes. As long as you're paying your TV licence then you've got a massive choice at your finger tips available at any time. Just sign in and start!
Spotify - One of the biggest names in music streaming, this will connect you to over 40 million songs. Connect it to your speakers if you've got them, and you've got a whole new musical world at your fingertips.
All 4 - This is Channel 4s version of the iPlayer and contains everything from Channel 4, More 4 and E4. The great thing about All 4 is that it has a vast volume of work which is held on indefinitely on it's site. Want to watch that Banzai episode from 2001? It'll be there.
YouTube - probably the most well know of sites, this now gives access to millions of videos from the small scale amateur to music videos and movies and you can keep your free account or upgrade to avoid ads and get more access.
There are loads more but these are the most used, have a look through your menu and see what your preferences are!